Dean Kamen's Robotic Arm

Dean Kamen’s Robot Arm Grabs More Publicity

Dean Kamen showed some video of the impressive, mind-controlled prosthetic robot arm he’s invented today at D6 in Carlsbad. Kamen has been showing the arm off since early 2007, usually via video clips like what he showed today. But today’s demonstration at D6 was impressive enough that it’s got the gadget blogs and the Twitterverse all aflutter today.

Deservedly so: Kamen’s arm, dubbed "Luke" (after Skywalker, I assume), is an incredibly sophisticated bit of engineering that’s lightyears ahead of the clamping "claws" that many amputees are forced to use today. The arm is fully articulated, giving the user the same degrees of movement as a natural arm, and is sensitive enough to pick up a piece of paper, a wineglass or even a grape without mishap.

D6 posted the video above, which contains highlights from Kamen’s remarks and demonstrations of the arm itself.

Dylan edits's Gadget Lab blog, and likes to write about technology, science, gadgets, and their impact on society and culture.
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Berkeley Bionics

I worked on this project while i was at berkeley. I made the foot sensors!! glad to see it come through to it. It works, pretty cool

Thanks to Engadget for the video

SesneFly. Rapid deployment UAV

oh man i want one!! this is how operation units should be built.

More Ideas

Ok, looks like I want to launch an underwater toy company or at least start with a few products. Think i can pull it off?!?! I'll show those radio shack cheapy RC toys some color. crappy toys but they make money, i want to make awesome toys AND make money. sound good?!

Honda U3-X

haha this looks like so much fun!! i wonder how long it lasts

Courtesy of

On its way to Necker Island

We call it, the Deep Flight Merlin, but Virgin calls it the Necker Nymph. Either way, this scuba sub, is soon to get a taste of clear blue Necker water!

Initial Sea trial image of the assembled sub

And...yes... I'm drilling a hole in it. hahahahaha

BUT FINALLY... we got rid of the sub... after an insane build with an impossible deadline after losing 5 weeks of build time along with no one else left in the company to finish the sub, besides me and josh, with the help our buddies - Barca, Erich, Carlos, Steve, Chris - we made it.

Working till the last moment as the sub went into the container that Virgin Limited Group sent, we all finally got some sleep. I almost died on the way home due to constantly falling asleep at the wheel and at intersections and even... MIDDLE of the intersection, dude what a trip because didn't remember how i got home after waking up in my own comfy bed 16 hours later.

It was all a fuzzy memory past 2 months especially final 5 days or so, luckily we had pictures reminding us of the craziness. Still more work to be done, and more sea trials and such, but that will happen later and live updates as it happens and as we deliver! Crossing my fingers since the future rests on our client's experience.

I'm just going to load a bunch of pix, they're self explanatory~

Picked up the body

Had a well deserving lunch mmmm BBQ oysters

Fitting various heights to make sure Branson fits. As you see... our shop is a mess, like a bomb went off and it's a mess!! this is what happens during crazy build, no sleep 4 days i went home once.

yeah... my desk exploded too... I had enough wire diagrams to make wall paper. yes most of it is not in this picture because it's everywhere

After getting the sub onto it's lauch dolly i passed out literally on floor. dropped, fell asleep.

Positioning the sub in place to back it into the container. DUDE backing this up sucked because there are two pivot points, takes mad skills yo!

There it is!! In the container and out of our hands FINALLY. We're so excited to get rid of it since we've been working like nuts. However, it was a great experience and hanging out with the team. Forever references to the final build of this project, leaving a few good quotes that we will remember

- "I got kicked by a horse" (while dropping his pants to show us the bruise on his leg) - A
- Barca, No Duck Porn - CC
- "your tool is too nasty for this" - JG
- "I hate wires" - CC
- "OHHH it's's dripping in my ear" followed by "that's what she said" - CC & JG
- "Come here, I want to put something in your mouth" - JG
- "Is this how NASA would do it?" - EC
- "The color is the color" - Carlos
- "Charles are you ok?" (my leg sticking out of the cockpit upside down, asleep passed out 5:30am inside the submarine, after dropping a drill on my face without knowing)
- "I hate the blue shaft"
- plenty of "that's what she said"

After too much pizza, coke, pepsi, coffee, falling asleep on any flat surface possible, kicking the tow hitch on the long bar many times by accident and never learn that it's there, we got it done.

More to update, depending on how it goes on Necker Island, and available internet access, I'll be updating LIVE! so follow my page! first dibbs on trials, delivery and handing over the Sub to Branson.

Sleep time, packing still, so much more to do!! It... never... ends...

but this should be fun. we'll find out!


dude ok, i love this and hope this works out. I have some strange attraction to one eye robots for some reason.. red eye ball especially...and no.. no cyclops.

COM-BAT swoops in to gather data on reconnaissance missions

By Darren Murph posted Mar 19th 2008 4:41PM

The University of Michigan's COM-BAT most definitely isn't the first mechanical animal to get its inspirations from the bat, but it's probably the best equipped to play a vital role in modern day warfare. A select group of Wolverines have been blessed with a $10 million grant from the US Army in order to concoct a "six-inch robotic spy plane modeled after a bat [that] would gather data from sights, sounds and smells in urban combat zones and transmit information back to a soldier in real time." Purportedly, the critter will eventually boast a bevy of sensors, miniature microphones and detectors for picking up nuclear radiation and poisonous gases. Even more interesting, creators are hoping to implement "energy scavenging," which would enable the bat to stay charged from wind / solar energy along with vibrations and "other sources." So much for being nocturnal, eh?

[Via UberGizmo]


omfg this is the retarded but I WANT TO BUILD IT!

Iphone controlled Quadrocopter

Technology advances so fast you'd lose if you blink in terms of ideas, development and delivery...

from CES found Parrot AR.Drone from

dude gotta step up the game! i want one of these!

Robot weapons

HAHA this is awesome lol

This too, i remember we were working on the BLEEX (Berkeley Lower Extremity ExoSkeleton) project while i was at Berkeley, this is way more advanced now. Props to Boston Dynamics